What’s New in TBC 2024.00 for Mobile Mapping
Date: June 6, 2024
Time: 9:00-10:00 AM MDT
Presenters: Marco Belo and Khrystyna Bezborodova
Join the Mobile Mapping team as they introduce what enhancements have been added to the Mobile Mapping module of Trimble® Business Center in the recent version 2024.00 release.
Enhanced point cloud classification routines leverage the power of AI to extract valuable insights with unparalleled accuracy and speed. These tools elevate mobile mapping data processing capabilities.
Introduction of the International Roughness Index (IRI) reporting feature which contributes to existing pavement inspection workflows, enabling the quick generation of IRI values that seamlessly flow into AgileAssets.
The team will also share what’s coming next and how this release can better support your mobile mapping experience.
Register at the link, and get a recording of the webinar sent to your email, or attend live.