Privacy Policy

Welcome to SurveyingGroup‘s Privacy Policy page. Here, we outline how we handle your personal data and the terms of our marketing subscriptions.

SurveyingGroup marketing subscription

SurveyingGroup sends periodic emails to our newsletter and blog subscribers, but we won’t send emails every single day. You can unsubscribe from any of our subscription emails anytime by getting in touch, or simply clicking the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of all our emails. We take data matters very seriously, and will only contact our subscribers with their clear and voluntary consent. See below how we view and deal with data.

We collect personal and activity data

We use tracking technologies like cookies (small files stored on your browser), web beacons, and device identifiers (collectively also known as “cookies”) to recognize your computer or device so we can analyze the effectiveness of our website design and advertising, deliver you better experiences, verify your identity or otherwise facilitate the provision of information society services. Our systems also log information such as your browser, operating system, and IP address. We provide you with clear and precise information about the purposes of cookies so as to ensure that you are aware of information being placed on the terminal equipment you are using. We provide you with the opportunity to refuse to have a cookie stored on your terminal equipment.

We may collect personal information that you provide to us, such as your name, address and contact information for purposes stated at the time and place of collection. We will, by default, collect only such information as is necessary for each specific purpose of the processing. For example, you may have the option to subscribe to our newsletter or download our white papers, eBooks, and the like. In order to provide you commercial information, direct marketing or information society services, we’ll request your email address or other necessary data – further data may be voluntarily shared by you if you want to be provided with tailored services. Whenever we choose to rely on our or third-party legitimate interests, such as network and information security or direct marketing, we first weigh them against the interests or the fundamental rights and freedoms of yours. But even if we prevail, you may always resort to the right to object, which automatically stops processing of your personal information for direct marketing and may be effective where other legitimate interests are pursued.

With your consent we will, by design, implement technical and organizational measures, such as pseudonymization and encryption, so that the enhanced quality of services is not at the expense of GDPR data protection principles.

We will ensure that your consent is freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous and the processing of your information, whether based on consent or any other legal ground, satisfies the principles of lawfulness, fairness, transparency, purpose limitation, data minimization, accuracy, storage limitation, integrity, and confidentiality. Where personal information is collected and further processed based on consent, you may withdraw your consent at any time. However, the withdrawal of consent won’t affect the lawfulness of such processing before your withdrawal.

You may exercise your right to be forgotten where your personal information is no longer necessary, your consent has been effectively withdrawn, you have objected to the processing, or your personal information has been unlawfully processed, has to be erased under a legal obligation or it relates a child being offered information society services. Where the processing is based on your consent or for the performance of a contract you may exercise your right to data portability in respect of data you have provided to us.

Our systems may associate your personal information with your activities in the course of providing you more enhanced services such as behavioral targeting and personalization (from pages you view, links you click on or items you search for).


SurveyingGroup website uses “cookies”, which are small text files containing a unique identifier that we, or one of our partners, or even a third party analytics provider, transfer to your computer through the web browser you use. Cookies help us understand our visitors’ interests, so we use that information to improve our services and our website. Cookies are not linked to personally identifiable information (such as your name, contact details, etc.), and if you choose to reject the cookie, you can still navigate our website, but your access to some areas of our website may be limited.

We use cookies to identify your browser, track your journey on our website, track the point of entry to a registration form – such as a blog or newsletter subscription, or a mailing campaign – to understand and measure the success of a certain marketing campaign, for instance.

SurveyingGroup uses Google Analytics to track the performance of specific marketing campaigns and in some of our products. This is to allow third-party service providers to create tailored advertisements on our behalf across different touchpoints. Such service providers may collect your IP address and non-personally identifiable information, which does not include your personal information, contact details, etc. These cookies also provide statistical information on how our website is being used and its performance.

You can block cookies at any time by changing the setting in your internet browser and by rejecting our website cookies once you enter our website.

We might share anonymized behavioral data

We generally do not share any personally-identifiable information (such as name, country, and email) with third party service providers and external websites. But we might share anonymized behavioral data.

No ad companies collect data through our service

We do not allow advertising companies to collect data through our service for ad targeting.

We take detailed steps to protect personal information

We take reasonable administrative, physical and electronic measures designed to safeguard and protect your information from unauthorized access or disclosure. Without limitation, we mitigate risks for the security of processing via pseudonymization and encryption of personal information, our ability to ensure the ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of processing systems and services, our ability to restore the availability and access to personal information in a timely manner in the event of a physical or technical incident, and regular testing, assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of technical and organizational measures for ensuring the security of the processing.

In the case of a personal information breach, which is likely to result in a risk to your rights and freedoms, we will without undue delay and, where feasible, not later than 72 hours after having become aware of it, notify it to the competent supervisory authority. When the personal information breach is likely to result in a high risk to your rights and freedoms, we will communicate the personal information breach to you without undue delay. In any event, we will document any personal information breaches, comprising the facts relating to the personal information breach, its effects and the remedial action taken.

Special situations may require disclosure of your data

To operate our services, we may make identifiable and anonymous information available to third parties under limited circumstances: (1) with your express consent, (2) when we have a good faith belief it is required by law, (3) when we have a good faith belief it is necessary to protect our rights or property, or (4) to any successor or purchaser in a merger, acquisition, liquidation, dissolution or sale of assets. Your consent will not be required for disclosure in these cases, but we will attempt to notify you, to the extent permitted by law to do so.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

SurveyingGroup Media Co. drafted this privacy policy to inform you. Our Privacy Policy may change from time to time. We will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Policy without your explicit consent. We will post any Privacy Policy changes and updates on this page and, if the changes are significant, we will provide a more prominent notice (including, for certain services, email notification of privacy policy changes).