The first Smart City Project is coming to life!

Digitization is a process, and while digitalization on a single issue has solved some of our problems, the classic issues of related issues persist. The important thing is to transfer…
2 min read

Digitization is a process, and while digitalization on a single issue has solved some of our problems, the classic issues of related issues persist. The important thing is to transfer the integrated systems to the digital life in a partially parallel manner, if not at the same time. It seems that the life of our semi-digital life will not be long. In a recent project in China, an agreement was signed with Siemens – Hong Kong Science Park to establish the first large-scale smart city digital center. The details of the Geospatialworld report are as follows: Siemens first expanded its cooperation with Zhuhai for the solution of congested traffic. In addition to the traffic problem, Suzhou installed city sensor boxes in Suzhou Industrial Park to reduce air pollution, optimize infrastructure operation and improve public safety.

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Siemens is not only confined to the smart city, China will lead the global research in the field of robotics announced. As part of its innovation strategy to explore the areas of technology critical to future success, it was decided to establish a global research community of experienced experts from around the world. In line with its strategy, Siemens has partnered with Tsinghua University. This center will focus on the research and development of new mechatronics systems, human-robot collaboration. “We are building an open, inclusive and trust-based innovation ecosystem in China, aimed at creating value in the digital age,” said Lothar Herrmann, CEO of Siemens China. “Siemens aims to implement safer, more practical, more efficient, more autonomous products and living platforms for future generations.”

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