PointCab Share: New, Free Point Cloud Viewer

Just in time for Christmas, PointCab, known for their fast and easy point cloud processing software, released a new, free point cloud viewer named PointCab Share. The viewer allows users…
< 1 min read

Just in time for Christmas, PointCab, known for their fast and easy point cloud processing software, released a new, free point cloud viewer named PointCab Share. The viewer allows users to open .pcp-Projects and view them in several different views, including orthophotos, layouts & sections, panoramic views, and a full 3D view of the point cloud. It’s also possible to take additional measurements like 3D points, distances, or areas. This facilitates the transfer of point cloud results significantly. The recipient gets a comprehensive visualization of the data and a better understanding of how the results were produced. PointCab Share, therefore, helps to tackle a crucial source for errors when it comes to collaboration between different departments and industries.


Thanks to the cooperation between PointCab and GeoSLAM, PointCab Share can also be used by users of GeoSLAM Draw to share their point cloud data conveniently.

For more information about PointCab Share, click here.

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