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What is a 3d Monitor? Everything You Need to Know About!

Today I’m going to show you exactly what is a 3d monitor and everything you need to know before buying a new one for geospatial usage! Why I’m writing this…
What is 3d monitors

Today I’m going to show you exactly what is a 3d monitor and everything you need to know before buying a new one for geospatial usage!

Why I’m writing this because we helped many professionals grow their work efficiency by 48.55% over the last year!

3d monitors benefits

So if you want to get higher efficiency, you’ll love this article steps in this guide.

Let’s get started.

What is a 3D Monitor? How does it Work?

3D monitors, designed to simulate depth through stereoscopic effects, offer an immersive viewing experience.

How 3d monitor works

The basic technique of stereo displays is to present offset images that are displayed separately to the left and right eye. Both of these 2D offset images are then combined in the brain to give the perception of 3D depth.

How passive 3d Monitors works

These monitors showcase two distinct 3D technologies: 

  • Passive 3D Monitors
  • Active 3D Monitors

Especially, for geomatic engineers (Survey engineers) and GIS experts, these specialized displays utilize stereoscopic imaging technology to breathe life into maps, geographic datasets, and other visuals. The result is a heightened, interactive experience that enhances the way professionals engage with geospatial information.

For a deeper understanding of how to select the best 3D monitor for your GIS and Mapping needs, check out our guide on How to Choose the Best Passive 3D Stereo Monitor for GIS & Mapping 2024

What is the Difference Between Active and Passive 3D?

Active vs Passive 3d monitors

Active 3D Monitors

Active 3D uses active shutter glasses to create the 3D effect and rapidly alternates between two different images, one for the left eye and the other for the right eye. The glasses are then synchronized with the display to block the corresponding eye’s view, allowing each eye to perceive the correct image with the illusion of depth.

Passive 3D Monitors

Passive 3D utilizes polarized glasses to separate the left-eye and right-eye images. The display simultaneously projects two slightly different polarized images while the passive glasses, equipped with different polarization filters for each eye, ensure that each eye receives the correct image to generate a 3D visual experience.

Need more details on how these technologies differ? Check out Active vs Passive 3D Stereo Monitors Compared!

What are the Main Applications of 3D Monitors?

schneider dmain Applications of 3D Monitors

3D monitors are used across a wide range of fields, from design and engineering to medicine and gaming. They play a significant role in various industrial applications. This extended list is provided to further understand and explore the diverse usage areas of 3D monitors across different industries. 

If you’re setting up your workstation for GIS and Mapping, our 10 Actionable Tips: How to Set Up a Workstation for GIS and Mapping will guide you through the process.

  • GIS & Mapping

3dmonitors for gis and mapping

  • Road and Infrastructure Design

Road and Infrastructure Design

  • Earth Observation

3d monitors for earth observation

  • 3D City Models

3d monitors for city modelling

  • BIM and Architecture

3d monitors for BIM and architecture

  • Archaeological and Cultural Heritage Documentation

3d monitors for archaeological

  • Industrial measuring, Laser scanning

3d monitors for laser scanning

  • Oil and Gas Prospecting & simulation

3d monitors for oil and gas

  • Mining

3d monitors for mining

  • Mechanical Design, CAD, CAM

3d monitors for Mechanical Design CAD CAM

  • Computed tomography and surgical planning, Biochemistry, Pharmaceutical research and Molecular research

3d monitors for health

Other Applications

  • CGI/3D video editing
  • VR, Simulation
  • Gaming
  • Entertainment

What are the Benefits of 3D Monitors for GIS Professionals?

3dmonitors for mapping

  • Enhanced Data Visualization

3D visualization allows for a clearer understanding of terrain shape, geographic features, and object relationships. Even if you have a low-density point cloud, it gives you an immediate impression of the geometry in front of you!

  • More Accurate Analysis

Conducting data analysis in a 3D environment enables more precise results by considering factors such as height and depth. If the application has already advantage implementation of 3d cursor and you can go with the cursor immediately in depth of the application you want to target points.

  • Quick Process

It makes it very easy to clean up point clouds or mesh files. Even if you have this task in the BIM you can bring the virtual model that you working on with the real environment captured in a laser scanner or imagery.

  • Improved Collaboration

3D models facilitate teamwork and information sharing among professionals from different disciplines.

  • Enhanced Presentations

3D visuals can be used to deliver project plans and research findings more effectively. Moreover, you can fly with the advanced controller through to the 3d model.

  • Better Decisions

Using the 3d monitors allows you to make your critical decisions more clearly than before. So you have got a faster understanding of where you are!  You will detect all the details that you don’t want to miss. Helps to improve your efficiency and decreases your risk to minimum levels.

Are 3D Monitors Harmful to Eye Health?

There is no evidence that 3D monitors are harmful to eye health in general. However, some people may experience temporary symptoms such as eye strain, headaches, and dizziness, especially when using 3D monitors for extended periods. These symptoms are usually mild and go away on their own.


Passive 3D monitors are generally considered to be less straining on the eyes than active 3D monitors. This is because passive 3D monitors do not require special glasses that can cause eye fatigue. Additionally, passive 3D monitors do not flicker, which can also contribute to eye strain.

Here are some tips for reducing eye strain when using 3D monitors:

  • Take breaks every 20-30 minutes to look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
  • Adjust the brightness and contrast of your monitor to a comfortable level.
  • Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air.
  • Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.
  • If you experience any eye discomfort, stop using the 3D monitor and consult an eye doctor.

Overall, 3D monitors are not considered to be a significant risk to eye health. However, it is important to take breaks and use them in moderation to avoid eye strain and other symptoms.

Curious about other advantages or want to know more about passive 3D monitors specifically? Read our Beginner’s Guide to Passive 3D Stereo Monitors for GIS Experts 2024.

How Much Do 3D Monitors Cost? Is it Worth It?

How Much Do 3D Monitors Cost

3D monitors can be used passively or actively and have a wide range of applications including GIS mapping, Mechanical design, and gaming. These monitors enhance the viewing experience by providing users with a sense of depth, making content more immersive, and increasing functionality. As for prices, 3D monitors generally fall within the price range of $1000 to $15000. Prices may vary depending on basic features, additional functionalities, and brand.

And yes this is completely worth it to upgrade your work to the next level.

Most Popular 3D Monitors for Professionals

Have any Questions?

Finished reading the post and still scratching your head? Got any worries or questions?

Drop me a line in the comments or shoot me a quick message through my author page for a speedy reply! 

Can’t wait to hear how I can help out.


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